ISOLearn - Activities and Results
O3 - Needs and Gaps Analysis
Leader: University of Ljubljana
Conduction of a study in the different countries involved to analyze needs and gaps concerning HE offers to the visual and hearing-impaired people.
• Develop methodology and instruments;
• Conduct national survey;
• Organize national interviews;
• Design the National Analysis Reports;
• Publish a European Report and Roadmap
Desk Research - Portugal [pdf]
Desk Research - Italy [pdf]
Desk Research - Sweden [pdf]
These documents reports the preliminary researches carried out by Portugues, Italian and Swedish partners of ISOLearn Consortium, about national state of the art, regulations, project and best practices about accessibility in Higher Education for deaf and visually impaired students.
Ensino Superior para pessoas com deficiência visual e auditiva em Portugal: diagnóstico e contributos para uma efetiva inclusão
Needs and Gaps Analysis - Final Report [pdf]
The final European report about Needs and Gaps Analysis.