Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

ISOLearn - Activities and Results

O2 - Website and Forum

Leader: Effebi Association and UNINETTUNO

Creation of a website for the dissemination of information, activities, outputs and results of the project.

• Create graphics and structure;
• Integrate contents;
• Promote the website.


ISOLearn Brochure [pdf]

While Websites and social networks are available directly through these pages, the Brochure is the "traditional" product related to this Intellectual Output.

Final Event

Final Conference and Final Meeting: 21-23/09/2016 - Lisbon (Portugal)
ISOLearn Final Conference
Live Streaming
Starting 22/09/2016 - 10.00am Portuguese Time

You can find more info (and pictures) of events and project meetings in our Facebook Page


Through our Twitter account we will recommend specific news, information and stories related to ISOLearn activities. You can find a weekly newsmagazine about accessibility and Higher Education in our Resources page, and the list of our recommended stories on our Twitter account.


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