Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Innovation and Social Learning for HEI

The ISOLearn project has been designed to support and facilitate the accessibility to HEIs (Higher Education Institution) offer and programs for both hearing and visually-impaired citizens of the participating countries through the development of specific ICT instruments and tools, as well as developing and monitoring the compliance with the ISOLearn quality standard.

Project Updates

October, 30th, 2016 - Final documents on ISOLearn Website:

  • "Activities and Results" section was updated in the relevant sub-pages; specifically:
    - in O3 - Needs and Gaps Analysis are now available for download the Desk Researches performed in Portugal, Italy and Sweden, the Portugues study "Ensino Superior para pessoas com deficiência visual e auditiva em Portugal: diagnóstico e contributos para uma efetiva inclusão" and the final version of the Needs and Gaps Analysis Final Report;
    - in O4 - ISOLearn Handbook is now available for download the Final Version of the ISOLearn Handbook;
    - in O7 - Piloting the Handbook is now available for download the Evaluation Checklist in English and Italian;
    - in O8 - Final Publication is now available for download the ISOLearn Final Publication in English
    - in O9 - Exploitation and Sustainability Plan is now available for download the ISOLearn Exploitation and Sustainability Plan

  • "Events" section was updated with agendas and pictures from the main events in the context of ISOLearn project.

July, 4th, 2016 - Important updates on ISOLearn website:

  • "Activities and Results" section was updated in the relevant sub-pages; specifically:
    - In O1 - Evaluation Strategy and Instruments is now available for download the Evaluation and Quality Plan;
    - In O2 - Website and Forum is now available for download the Project Brochure;
    - in O3 - Needs and Gaps Analysis are now available for download the Desk Researches performed in Portugal, Italy and Sweden and the current draft of the Needs and Gaps Analysis Final Report;
    - in O4 - ISOLearn Handbook is now available for download the current draft of ISOLearn Handbook;
    - in O7 - Piloting the Handbook is now available for download the Evaluation Checklist in English and Italian;
  • "Events" section was updated with agendas and pictures from the main events in the context of ISOLearn project.

June, 21st, 2016 - On June, 21st the Italian National Workshop, organized by Effebi Association and hosted by International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was held. Workshop Agenda and pictures from the event are available at the Event page and on ISOLearn Facebook Page.

February, 11th, 2016 - February, 11th in Lisbon two major events within ISOLearn project activities will take place, hosted by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Portugal National Workshop "Inputs for a Quality Higher Education for students with a visual and hearing impairment" opens at 9.00am and closes at 13.00. - Facebook Event's Page

The European Seminar "For a better and more inclusive European Higher Education for students with a visual or hearing impairment" will open at 14.30 and close at 18.00. - Facebook Event's Page

Complete programs are available for download from the Facebook Events' Pages. European Seminar's Facebook Page and ISOLearn Twitter account will be updated in real time during the European Seminar, posting pictures and statements from the speakers and the debate.

Project Status

A light infographic about the project status nowadays. ISOLearn project has three, interrelated, main outputs. First, the Handbook, containing recommendation and guidelines about implementing accessible Higher Education Initiatives focused on blind and deaf people access to courses. ISOLearn Handbook contenst are based on three sub-activities: a desk research about national regulations about access for blind and deaf people to Higher Education. Desk research was performed by project partners, focused on countries covered by the partnership: Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia. The outcomes of the research allowed the definition of a survey - targetting the students with visual and earing impairements - and an interview - targetting Higher Education institutions. Both survey and interviews submission and data analysis has finished. Now we are working on the production of the ISOLearn Handbook. Final version is scheduled for October, 2015.

Other two main outputs are: ISOLearn Quality Label, that will be released in early 2016, based on the Handbook. And piloting the Handbook and the Quality label, applying them both to the design phase of a new course, and for testing existing courses currently delivered by three Higher Education institutions partner of the project: Universidade Aberta, Uninettuno University, Folkuniversitetet.

Final Event

Final Conference and Final Meeting: 21-23/09/2016 - Lisbon (Portugal)
ISOLearn Final Conference
Live Streaming
Starting 22/09/2016 - 10.00am Portuguese Time

You can find more info (and pictures) of events and project meetings in our Facebook Page


Through our Twitter account we will recommend specific news, information and stories related to ISOLearn activities. You can find a weekly newsmagazine about accessibility and Higher Education in our Resources page, and the list of our recommended stories on our Twitter account.


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